Gail Sinclair
Specialist Mentor (MH)
Gail has worked within the health and social care setting alongside a range of differing Communities from early childhood and she is passionate about maintaining the individual rights, choices, and integrity of all those she interacts with. As a longstanding Occupational Therapist, Hypnotherapist, Massage Therapist, and lifelong Mentor, Gail combines her unique and holistic approaches to life challenges and wellbeing when interacting with others. Gail is extremely proud of her Yorkshire roots and embeds these qualities firmly within her private practice which she established in the South for almost two decades.
Gail’s sense of humour and quick wit are renowned and stem from a lifetime passion of becoming a stand-up comedian/public motivational speaker as she likes to make people laugh and can always find a positive solution to a problem. Gail would say her biggest achievement to date is as a very proud “Mama” in raising her four children, all of whom have faced adversity, thrived, and survived to achieve great things in their own adult lives and are above all caring, kind and empathetic. Gail feels honoured to have been nominated and to have received numerous awards for her lifelong empowerment initiatives, for as a looked-after child for all of her immediate childhood, Gail knows first-hand how to navigate life challenges and build resilience and has now very much become a local and national community champion for genuine accessibility to opportunities throughout all stages of life for whether that be for people, places, or pets.
As a great animal lover (in particular, dogs) Gail will often be found walking, rescuing, or caring for someone else’s dog. Gail is a true Aquarius as she loves to swim and all things water i.e. boats, jet skis, canoes etc , meditates daily, and will dance given any opportunity, the life and soul at many an occasion. Gail’s motto in life is “It’s All Good” and being part of the team at Diversity and Ability she knows this will especially ring true for both her and the range of students and colleagues she is committed and grateful to be working alongside.