Rachael Roberts

Business Development Executive

Pronouns: she/her

Rachael firmly believes that how you do something, is just as important as what you do, leading her to receive a scholarship for her MA in Understanding and Securing Human Rights, where she focused on making business and technologies better for humanity.

With a background of being a carer and then teacher for disabled and neurodiverse children since her teenage years, Rachael now loves being a part of team and mission of D&A as one of our Business Development Executives, where she helps businesses and their teams on their journey to championing intersectional inclusivity for disabled and neurodiverse people, helping their organisation to thrive for all.

With her passion for helping people and making the world a better, more inclusive place, Welsh girl, (Cymraes), Rachael has travelled the world doing humanitarian work and used her black belt in karate to teach self-defence and empowerment workshops to women and girls – of course, her mermaid tail always comes with her…

Rachael comes as a package deal with her gorgeous furbaby, Empress Goldie Baby Roberts, (Shnugums for short). When not exploring woods and beaches with Goldie, Rachael loves to design eco-friendly clothing, puzzles for kids, study the Bible and research all things artificial intelligence and space-related!