Profile photo of Charlie, a white man with dark blonde hair smiling at the camera.

Charlie Wood

Head of Account Management

Pronouns: he/him

A lover of maps, colouring-in and the ox-bow lakes. You guessed it! Charlie is a Geography graduate who now finds himself at the heart of the Inclusive Education team here at Diversity and Ability.

If you give us a call or send us an email, there’s a very high chance you’ll hear from Charlie, happy to answer any questions you have about D&A and what we do in education! While you’re at it, ask him about the small blue garden bird made of mahogany joke.

When Charlie’s not poring over maps or telling great jokes, he can be found drinking questionably sweet fruit teas, listening to Radiohead and loosely passing comment on the recent film releases. In the summer months, Charlie can also be spotted in well-pressed whites, playing cricket; questioning why he gives up every Saturday to chase a small red ball around an empty field when he could be in a pub garden with friends, eating dry roasted peanuts.

A question he is still yet to answer.

Authored resources

Assistive Technology Free Trials

We have compiled a list of our favourite assistive technology that offer free trials, so you can take them for a test drive!


Video-conference platform security information

We have compiled the quick-links to the security and privacy statements for all our favourite video-conference platforms, to save you time and headache!


Video-conference platform comparison guide

This handy guide offers an overview of all the most popular online video-conference platforms, comparing the pros and cons to help you choose which one is right for you.
