Michael Woodman

Quality Assurance Lead

Pronouns: He/him

Michael has worked with Diversity and Ability since 2011 and was appointed as Quality Assurance Lead in September 2023. With a decade of experience as an Assistive Technology trainer, he supports new AT trainer associates during onboarding, and addresses the day-to-day support needs of all D&A practitioners working with learners in Higher Education.

Michael is also responsible for identifying opportunities to expand D&A’s HE facing one-to-one support services. He collaborates closely with the Inclusive Education, Training and Innovations, Workplace, and Operations teams to meet the evolving needs of educational providers, seek new partners, and ensure D&A’s support services are delivered where they are most needed.

Outside of D&A, Michael has worked occasionally as an animator, music video director, film editor, and session guitarist. He writes weird music that you can’t really dance to.

Authored resources

Study Blue

Studyblue is an online study and revision tool, based around the idea of using "index cards" to make new information memorable. You may have tried the "index card" system before - writing questions or prompts on one side of a card, and then writing the answer on the other so that you can systematically work through your deck to revise.



Xmind is a concept mapping program, (much like Mindview, Mindmanager, and Inspiration), which allows you to create 'spider diagrams' or 'mind maps' on your computer. Creating a mind map can help you to plan and write essays, revise for exams, and organise large projects.



Prezi is an online presentation tool which works very differently from Microsoft Powerpoint (or any program that shows slides). In Prezi, your content is arranged over a broad canvas that you can zoom in and out of, either by clicking on key points with the mouse, or by programming the order in which each element is focussed on.
