We inform, educate and advocate
Diversity and Ability is an award-winning social enterprise led by and for disabled people, paving the way for a future where everyone is welcomed and included.

We inform, educate and advocate
Diversity and Ability is an award-winning social enterprise led by and for disabled people, paving the way for a future where everyone is welcomed and included.
We support individuals, organisations and social justice projects to create inclusive cultures where diversity is valued and people can thrive.
With 79% of our community of staff and associates identifying as neurodiverse and/or disabled, we believe that peer-to-peer support, delivered by those with shared lived experiences, has the potential to make life-changing differences. Our support is tailored to the unique needs of the individual ensuring it’s genuinely empowering. We are particularly keen to highlight the importance of an authentic, intersectional approach to supporting disabled people.
We believe learning differences arise from natural human diversity, as opposed to ‘deficit’ models of understanding disability. We celebrate different learning styles, and the important contributions neurodiversity makes in society.
Our values
Everything we do, and how we do it, is underpinned by our three core values.
Anticipating difference and actively creating spaces where diversity can be celebrated.
Dismantling the disabling barriers to participation using an intersectional approach.
Continuously learning, innovating and advocating for better.
Diversity and Ability is a social enterprise led by and for disabled people.
What does being a social enterprise mean?
Being a social enterprise means combining business principles with a social or environmental mission. At D&A, we create positive change in society by addressing the inequities faced by disabled people. Our overriding mission is to champion intersectional neurodiversity and disability inclusion through technology, training, and consultancy.
We prioritise our impact on society, alongside generating revenue to sustain our operations. We reinvest 50% of our profits into our mission, driving further social progress. It’s an exciting and innovative approach to making a difference in the world!
How do we embody our mission?
We are led by and for disabled people.
We are a social enterprise led by and for disabled people: 79% of our team self-identify as disabled and/ or neurodiverse.
This has a positive social impact at various levels:
- Reducing the disability employment gap by creating meaningful employment for disabled people.
- Authentic lived experience is woven into everything we do. Our services are created by disabled people, for disabled people. We have the experiences, expertise and insights to help our customers meet their needs and improve inclusion.
We reinvest 50% of our profits
50% of our profits go towards our social justice projects in the UK and the global south. We create free resources and extend support at reduced costs to those facing multiple barriers, for example, digital exclusion and homelessness.
This has a positive social impact at various levels:
- Increasing equitable access to support. By providing free or subsidised access to invaluable support and resources, we’re working to ensure no one is left behind, regardless of their socio-economic status or geographic location.
- Addressing the root causes of injustice and inequity. Applying an intersectional approach to understanding the barriers people face helps us mitigate and address the root causes of exclusion and inequity.
Evidencing our social enterprise status and impact
We are an accredited social enterprise, holding membership to Social Enterprise UK (SEUK) the world’s largest membership body for social enterprises. We were highly commended in the Social Enterprise UK Awards 2021 as a Social Enterprise Building Diversity, Inclusion, Equity and Justice.
We are also the proud recipients of various UnLtd awards, the leading provider of support to social entrepreneurs in and around the UK: Grow it award (2018), Thrive award (2020).
In an independent report by the New Economics Foundation (NEF Consulting) on the Social Cost Benefit Analysis of Social Ventures Tackling the Disability Employment Gap, it was estimated that Diversity & Ability creates social and economic value of £9.48 million per annum at a cost of £573,214. A robust evaluation demonstrated a benefit-cost ratio of £16.55 to every £1.00 invested in our work with disabled students.
How we offer support in the…
Education sector
We provide a wide range of services such as Assistive Technology training, study skills support and mentoring for the education sector, from DSA-funded student support to opportunities for continued professional development for staff. Explore our services to learn more!
Our peer-led approach is so well respected across the country, that alongside DSA support for students, we work with universities such as Imperial College London and Goldsmiths to implement inclusive campus projects.
Our work with organisations big and small around the globe is changing cultures through fresh understandings. We provide the theory, tools and solutions for you to dig deep and cultivate inclusion from the top down and bottom up.
Our social model approach provides a clear path to identifying and removing barriers so your team can flourish and thrive. Explore what services could be right for you.
Social justice projects
Cost can be a major factor in preventing people from getting the support they need. D&A believes that your socioeconomic background shouldn’t be the deciding factor in whether you can access support.
That’s why we’re engaged in social justice projects, using our collective experience and expertise to work on projects close to our hearts that support marginalised communities. We work with charities and organisations such as Crisis, Job Centre Plus and St Mungo’s.
D&A have been running a series of digital inclusion and wellbeing workshops for our members at Crisis since 2014. Crisis is the national charity for single homeless people dedicated to delivering life-changing services.
Nahid Behzadi, ESOL Tutor, Crisis
Meet the team
D&A is made up of a vibrant community of passionate and friendly people. We love what we do and what we stand for and invite you to learn more about who we are.

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