Happy 10th birthday to us!

10th February 2021 by Ellie Thompson

On 10th February, 2011, Diversity and Ability was born!

We have so much to celebrate on our 10th birthday; from our beginnings as a disabled-led, strategy focused assistive technology training provider to our new growth in supporting students, workplaces and individuals across the world.

We have so many amazing milestones to reflect back on today.

2014- Digital Inclusion and Homelessness

Working with organisations such as Crisis and St Mungo’s, we’ve pioneered workshops that enable people affected by homelessness to develop core digital skills and literacy. We support people to build strategies around organisation, wellbeing, literacy and numeracy, to enable them to pursue housing and employment opportunities.

One participant, Esther, said of their training with us: “I am generally nervous about meeting strangers but they made me feel welcome. They listened to what I needed and boosted my confidence so much. They were very selfless, staying longer than they were supposed to. I’m so happy I took this training and look forward to more.”

The D&A team sat around a table. There are 12 people in the slot, all smiling at the camera. On the table sits a cake (most of which has already been eaten), laptops, drinks and coffee mugs. Behind the group stands a banner featuring D&A's old logo with three fingerprints of red, green and blue.

D&A’s Team Day 2014

2016- Journey to Employment

Back in 2016, we worked with JobCentre Plus to deliver the Journey to Employment (J2E) pilot in Southampton. We supported disabled job-seekers experiencing long-term unemployment on their journey to finding work, delivering our trademark holistic and strategy-led Assistive Technology Training.

2018- The Noon Award

We were so thrilled to win the Global Equality and Diversity Noon Award in 2018. The award was given in recognition of our work in digital inclusion and supporting people impacted by homelessness and neurodiversity.

Atif, a brown man wearing glasses and standing holding the Noon Award trophy, and Adam, a white man sitting in his wheelchair, are smiling at the camera. To their left is Afua Hirsch, a Black woman, Dr Jana Javornik, a white-appearing person, and David Robinson, a white-appearing man.

Atif and Adam celebrating their Noon Award win, 2018

2019- Disability Confidence Leader

In 2019 we were awarded Disability Confidence Leader status, demonstrating a tireless commitment to the inclusion and equality of disabled people.

2019 was a big year, also signalling the start of D&A International’s work. We partnered with Global Rainbow Foundation and Commonwealth of Learning to deliver training to schools, organisations and individuals.

A group of people who are standing, sitting in wheelchairs, or kneeling on the ground. They are brown-skinned and mixed genders and abilities. In the photo is Atif, our CEO, a brown man wearing glasses, a green shirt and purple trousers.

D&A, the Global Rainbow Foundation, and learners in November 2019

2020- Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative Winners!

2020 saw new challenges and opportunities for D&A as we used our lived experience and knowledge in digital accessibility to support universities, students, practitioners and workplaces to adapt to a remote world.

It was such an honour to be recognised in December as Disability Specialist and Greatest Impact at the Recruitment Industry Disability Initiative 2020!

2021- Reflecting and looking forward!

Over 10 years, we have…

Delivered over 10,000 hours of support

Grown to a team over over 100 trainers, coaches, mentors and tutors

Generated nearly £10,000,000 of social value in the higher education sector alone

We asked our team to share 10 words, for 10 years of D&A. Check out what they had to say!

On our birthday we want to take a moment to thank you, our team members- everyone who makes up D&A and brings our values to life every day. An organisation is only as good as it’s team, and we have lucked out! We also want to thank everyone else who has helped us along the way, without whose precious experiences, voices, trust and advice we would be weaker. So here’s to our students, clients, partners, supporters and friends! We are so excited for what the next 10 years will bring!

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