Mac Keyboard Shortcuts Guide

This handout is a quick guide for all the OS X keyboard shortcuts.


Merriam Webster App

The Merriam-Webster App (available for Android and iOS) is a free dictionary, much like and its associated apps. There is a free version of the app available which includes many of the features of the paid version.



Dropbox is a service that lets you back up files so they are safe and on hand when you need them!


DSA – Find Your Way

This is your guide to the Disabled Student Allowances (DSA) process. When you're first starting out it can all seem a bit daunting. D&A are here to help! This handy step-by-step guide will show you all the things you need to do to get up and running with your DSA support.


Essay Breakdown Guide

A guide to breaking down an essay, before you even start to think about writing it.


Essay Planning Guide

See your whole essay at a glance and keep from losing your thread as you write with this Essay Planning Guide



Evernote is software designed for note taking and archiving. It enables you to save and collate "notes" of all different kinds: regular text, a webpage, a photograph, a voice memo, or even a handwritten note. You can add file attachments to notes and also sort them into folders, tag, edit, comment on and share notes.



F.lux is a great tool that adjusts your screen's brightness according to the time of day. Staring at a bright screen, especially at night, is hard on your eyes and it can affect your sleep too. F.lux learns where you are and where the sun is in the sky and matches your screen to your eyes.


Google Calendar

Google Calendar and Google Tasks are free, Internet based, calendar and task management tools. You can never lose your calendar or diary as it is stored online!


Google Docs

Google Docs is a free word processing and document management program that features many of the tools you might expect to find in Microsoft Word - as well as some extra tools that Word doesn't have!


Google Drive

Google Drive is a free cloud storage application, similar to Dropbox or Microsoft OneDrive. The basic principle behind having your files stored in "the cloud" is that you can easily back up documents, photos and other files just by saving them to a specific folder on your computer - your Google Drive folder.



Grammarly is a free contextual proofreading tool: it's an advanced grammar, spelling, and punctuation tool that's integrated into your Chrome web browser! Not only does Grammarly help correct mistakes it helps improve one's grammar. Each suggested correction comes with a short explanation. And that explanation can be expanded to give more detail and show examples.
