Care Your Eyes

Written by Michael Woodman

Care U Eyes is a free plugin for the Google Chrome web browser that makes it easier to read text from websites. It lets you quickly change the colour of the background and text in web pages.

Features include:

  • Create your own page templates: Care U Eyes offers a number of preset colour schemes, but you can easily choose your own colour combinations and save these directly into the plugin.
  • Blacklist / Whitelist mode: build colour profiles for websites that you frequently visit and save preferences for whether Care Your Eyes automatically adjusts colours or not.
  • Day / Night modes: set Care Your Eyes to adjust the colour scheme automatically depending on the time of day.
  • Use keyboard shortcuts to make quick adjustments to settings without having to open the plugin.

Changing the background colour of web pages can make a big difference, especially for some web users who may be experiencing difficulties associated with Irlen Syndrome or “Scotopic Sensitivity”. (It might be worth investigating Irlen Syndrome further if you experience difficulties reading black writing on a white background; this can include words appearing blurry or unstable on the page).

Care U Eyes is not designed to work in word processors such as Microsoft Word (it only works in content viewed in Google Chrome) but you can use it with the online word processor Google Docs.

Icon by Brebenel-Silviu