Quizlet is a free learning and revision tool. It was originally designed by a high school student to help with learning languages, but you can adapt this tool for any course of study.
Quizlet allows you to create a study set of online flashcards, and add your own terms and definitions. Additionally, you can search for study sets that have already been created; (currently there are over 40 million flash card sets available, all of which can be accessed via Quizlet’s website, as well as via dedicated iOS and Android apps).
The flash cards can then be used in 6 different ways:
- Flashcards: use as typical flash card to review information, you can shuffle/randomize and listen with audio. This is a really useful feature for people who learn in multisensory ways.
- Learn: You get to answer the questions and retest questions you may have got wrong.
- Speller: Here you listen to the information and type it back. Again, this is a very nice way to use multisensory approaches.
- Test: Randomly generated tests.
- Scatter: Drag and drop game to match terms and definitions.
- Space Race: Game where you type in the answer as terms or definitions scroll across the screen. I have not found this to be as useful as the other features.
Quizlet is free, but you can pay to upgrade to Quizlet Plus for some extra features, (namely speech recording and customised images).
All in all, Quizlet is a very handy resource to help consolidate your learning and revision. It may take a little time initially to input your study set, but the pay-off is worth it.
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