A brown man speaks to a meeting.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Training

Equity, diversity, inclusion (EDI) and belonging are so much more than just buzzwords. With our EDI training programmes, we’ll support you no matter which stage of the journey your organisation is at.

Our training approaches EDI from a determinedly intersectional perspective, recognising that identities are diverse and impacts layered. Find out what this means in our blog post ‘What is Intersectionality and Why Does it Matter in the Workplace‘ 

What is Equity, Diversity and Inclusion training?


Our EDI/ DEI in the workplace training programme is split into three core modules (workshops), so you can build a package that suits the needs and goals of your team.

Two people sit in a training room, watching a presentation. They are both smiling widely.

First column text reads 'Equity, Diversity and Inclusion - An introduction' underneath bullet points 'Cultural diversity, Organisational advantages, Championing diversity, Fostering inclusivity, Detecting biases, Addressing exclusion, Intersectional differences'. Second column text reads 'Fostering Culture and Behaviour to create an anticipatory welcome' underneath bullet points 'Medical, social, charity models, Enhancing representation, Crafting inclusive content, Inclusive principles, Meetings & events, Language usage'. Third column text reads 'Building a Fearless Approach to Inclusion. ' Underneath bullet points 'Practical framework, Scalable action, Personal narratives, Mindsets, behaviours, Empowering others, Challenging narratives'.

One-hour webinar: ‘Equity, Diversity and Inclusion – An Introduction’ 

Where do you even start when tackling a topic as huge as EDI? We know how to get you on your way.

  • Harnessing cultural diversity for organisational advantages
  • Championing diversity and fostering inclusivity
  • Addressing biases and exclusionary practices, including bullying and harassment
  • Embracing intersectional differences as central to inclusion
  • A commitment to cultivating an inclusive workplace environment


Two-hour workshop: ‘Fostering Culture and Behaviour to Create an Anticipatory Welcome’ 

How do you shift your organisational culture to make it a proactively inclusive one? We’ve got the answers you need. 

  • Adopting an inclusive perspective
  • Exploring medical, social, charity, and celebratory models of inclusion
  • Enhancing representation in communication materials
  • Key principles for crafting inclusive content
  • Promoting inclusivity in meetings and events
  • Language usage and cultivating secure, inclusive environments

Two-hour workshop: ‘Building a Fearless Approach to Inclusion’

Take the final leap and challenge your company-wide and individual narratives.

  • A practical and scalable framework for action
  • Resources for exploring personal narratives regarding inclusion
  • Facilitating the revision of personal narratives, mindsets, and embedded behaviours
  • Empowering others to challenge their narratives and cultivate inclusion


Picture of two women, one in foreground, the other further away smiling

Who is this training for?

This training is designed for employees from any sector or industry. 

You may be working in:

  • Human Resources (HR) 
  • People and Culture Management
  • Equity, Diversity and Inclusion
  • Leadership
  • Team Management


If you have something specific in mind, get in touch. We are always delighted to talk with past or potential clients about your specific interests and answer any questions.

Request a bespoke package

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