One-to-One Neurodiversity and Disability Support
We work with individuals (funded by their employers or Access to Work) to build effective strategies to overcome specific challenges so that they are able to flourish at work.
D&A’s Enablement Hub
If you are an employer looking to offer one or a combination of these services to your employees, we provide a comprehensive start-to-finish workplace adjustments process, designed by you in collaboration with D&A:
- Designed with you and your existing adjustment processes in mind
- Wraparound support for your employees
- Reducing bureaucracy and ensuring staff are supported holistically and quickly
- Can incorporate the Access to Work process here in the UK

What we offer for your employees
Offering one-to-one support to your employees doesn’t just enable them to access their job; it shows them you’re genuinely invested in their success at work. Coaching, mentoring, and training for your employees will help you create a team full of passionate and productive people.
At D&A, we provide:
I am so glad I chose to use D&A over my recommended AT trainers and wouldn’t hesitate to suggest Tim to friends and colleagues.
Employee receiving Assistive Technology support
Want to find out more?
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