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- Health Learners: DSA Find Your Way
- Health Professionals: Access to Work Find Your Way
- HERA – Healing Expressive and Recovery Arts Project
- Home
- How to become a disability confident employer: download now!
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- Journey to Employment
- Labels and Legacies: Embracing Intersectionality with Atif
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- One-to-One Support for Students
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- Our Workplace Support: Where We Work
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- Services
- SESF 2022 – D&A Development Programme
- Sitemap
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- Social Justice
- Student Information
- Study Tools for All A Webinar Series from D&A
- Support in Further Education (FE)
- The IT Team
- What you’re missing out on by not investing in EDI: download now!
- Workplace
- Workplace Needs Assessors
- Your Complete Guide To Adjustments At Work
- Your journey to an inclusive campus: download now!
- “I was so impressed when I discovered what assistive technology can do!”: D&A International in Kenya
- “I was told it was in my head”: Life with Ehlers Danlos Syndrome
- “Building equity around race, class and culture allows all of us to bring our whole selves to work”
- “I’d rather keep my head down than risk disclosing”: how to make healthcare more inclusive for disabled learners and workers
- “If it’s not inclusive, it’s not innovative; diversifying culture and values in The Foundation Industries”
- 10 tips for inclusive talent management
- 2019: you were great!
- 5 Ways to Well-being in the Workplace
- 7 signs you’ve created a truly inclusive workforce
- 7 Workplace Adjustments You Should Make for Everyone
- A half-hearted adoption of the social model does more harm than good
- A hidden intersectionality: care experience, disability and neurodiversity
- A year in Review – 2022: a thank you from Atif
- Access to Work: A user’s experience
- Accessible and inclusive support across the world
- Adjustments Without Labels: Enabling Neurodiverse Talent
- Adjustments: Supporting the Nine Protected Characteristics
- Are you a disabled student celebrating results day? Here’s what you can do next.
- Austerity & Brexit: The Impact on Disabled Students
- Authenticity is a privilege- not everyone has it.
- AXS Passport Wins AbilityNet’s Tech4Good Workplace Award for Inclusive Tech
- Barriers Bingo: Disability History Month
- Benefits of disclosing neurodiversity in the workplace
- Black History Month 2023: Resources
- Black Lives Still Matter: what has changed since June 2020?
- Boost Disability Inclusion in your Workplace
- Building an Intersectional Workforce Through Inclusive Hiring and Recruitment
- Celebrate difference: Neurodiversity and Mental Health Awareness Weeks
- Celebrating and marking Black History Month
- Celebrating International Day of Persons with Disabilities 2024
- Celebrating World Cerebral Palsy Day with Caitlyn Fulton
- Celebrating World Mental Health Day: our support and suggestions
- Creating Inclusive Workplaces
- Culturally and proudly Deaf: celebrating the Deaf community and the BSL Act on Deaf Awareness Week
- Culture, Creativity & COVID-19
- D&A celebrates two wins at the RIDI Awards!
- D&A launches support around the globe
- D&A services during Coronavirus outbreak
- D&A Statement on Gaza and Israel
- D&A’s Response to the BIS Announcements
- Delivering meaningful student support remotely via Zoom
- Digital Accessibility – How do we get it right?
- Digital Accessibility in Higher Education
- Digital equity: a fundamental human right?
- Digital Inclusion and Disability: Why we need an intersectional approach
- Digital Inclusion and Homelessness
- Digital inclusion, homelessness & COVID-19: Lessons learned
- Disability History Month 2023
- Disability History Month: how far have we come?
- Disability in the 2024 General Election
- Disability Pride Month July 2024 Book Club
- Disability Rights and Services, Post Brexit
- Disability, Dehumanisation and Solidarity with Palestine
- Disability, health and the arts
- Disabled Students’ Allowance Reform: One Year On
- Dismantling barriers to education in Tonga with D&A International
- Diversity and Ability 2022 Wrapped
- Diversity and Ability Wrapped 2023
- Diversity is about counting people…Inclusion is about insisting they count
- Do adjustments passports work for both workplaces and disabled employees?
- Don’t look to positions of authority to find examples of great leadership; they’re all around you
- Embedding intersectionality and feminism in your approach to D&I
- Ensuring Equity, Quality and Inclusivity in the Disabled Students’ Allowance
- Exploring a metacognitive approach to learning and support
- Exploring Neurodiversity, Race and Realities
- Funding through the Social Enterprise Support Fund: all your questions answered
- Global Accessibility Awareness Day 2020
- Global accessibility is an urgent issue: help us address it
- Global Perspectives on Inclusive Education
- Happy 10th birthday to us!
- How are you making the most of Neurodiversity Celebration Week?
- How can I get from education to employment as a disabled graduate?
- How can we create mentally healthy workplaces?
- How can you promote assistive technology?
- How is the cost of living crisis impacting disabled people, and what can we do about it?
- How to authentically address ‘unconscious bias’ in the workplace
- How to foster wellbeing as a leader
- How to host events everyone can enjoy
- How to identify and avoid unconscious bias
- How we’re partnering with the small states of Africa to meet the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- I pray for blood: the split narrative of life with Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder (PMDD)
- I’m not ‘special’; I’m disabled and I need assistance: how the aviation industry’s inclusion efforts can reach new heights
- Improving Diversity and Inclusion through belonging
- Inclusive dialogue and disability-led support across the globe: our Mauritius graduates!
- It’s #TimeToTalk about Mental Health for Ethnic Minorities
- Marketing to an Intersectional Audience
- Neurodiverse choices and voices in the workplace
- Neurodiverse or Neurodivergent?
- Neurodiverse voices calling for diverse change
- New client wins at D&A
- Our Ultimate Disabled Freshers Survival Guide
- Plain Text Department for Education Non-Medical Helper Survey
- Proud to be Deaf and Autistic; celebrating Sign Language Week and Neurodiversity Celebration Week
- Regression in the face of progress: social media accessibility matters
- Social enterprise Diversity and Ability launch our inaugural conference, exploring what inclusion really looks like
- Still Silenced? Our thoughts on BBC2’s ‘The Hidden Story of Disabled Britain’
- Support for disabled workers is out there, so why aren’t we accessing it?
- Supporting your mental health while working from home
- The disabling effects of climate change
- The dos and don’ts of attracting diverse talent
- The European Accessibility Act: Why it matters and how to stay ahead
- The Future of Work: Ditching Pre-Pandemic Methods for Good
- The government’s best-kept secret: Access to Work
- The multi-million pound value of social enterprises tackling the Disability Employment Gap
- The Self-Care Revolution – Adam’s Journal
- The shared and intersecting barriers of trans and disabled communities
- Three steps to creating an inclusive campus
- Thugs and Terrorists: The Inevitable Outcome of Anti-immigration Rhetoric
- To: Me, From: Me: A Reflection on Identity and Resilience
- To: Me, From: Me: Reframing Failure
- Turbulence In Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
- We revolt simply because, for many reasons, we can no longer breathe
- What adjustments make a workplace more physically inclusive?
- What can universities do to support their queer and disabled students? | Disabled in Higher Education
- What does accessibility mean to you?
- What happened to my disability? Navigating neurodiversity as a woman
- What I wish you knew about ME: A letter to my younger self for #MEAwarenessWeek
- What is a reasonable adjustment?
- What is intersectionality? And why does it matter in the workplace?
- What is the social model of disability?
- What’s the difference between Capital D Disabled and lowercase d disabled?
- Which leadership styles help foster diversity and inclusion?
- Why digital inclusion is a business benefit
- Why diversity and inclusion is the answer to employee engagement
- Why diversity and inclusion is vital for your employee retention
- Why Everyone Wins With Intersectional Leadership
- Why we must not return to ‘normal’ after lockdown
- Why your ‘diversity initiatives’ aren’t enough
- Workplace Mental Health and Wellbeing Coaching Amid Uncertainty
- World Mental Health Day 2023: Can we achieve ‘universal mental health’?
- Your 2024 D&A Wrapped
- Aaron Gabriel
- Adam Devine
- Ahmad Roumia
- Alex Bacon
- Alexandra Morris
- Alice Cook
- Alice Rothwell
- Alison Patrick
- Alvin Boolaky
- Amber Browne
- Anahita Harding
- Andrea Gibbons
- Andrew McWhir
- Angela Zhu
- Anisha Heer
- Ann Patmore
- Anna Bromwich
- Anna Croucher
- Anna Gabryel-Morrison
- Anna Kearney-Greig
- Annabel Waters
- Annie Challis
- Anwara Ali
- Atif Choudhury
- Ayesha Yousuf
- Bill Davies
- Billy Mayor
- Brian Lutchmiah
- Brigit Colclough
- Bruna Eustaquio
- Carolyn Baguma
- Catherine Deveuve
- Catherine Hennen
- Chandni Ganesh
- Charlie Wood
- Cheri Shone
- Chloë Maltby
- Chris Webster
- Christine McNamara
- Clare Ramsaran
- Connie Sloan
- Craig Myers
- Daniel Norman
- Darlene Sherwood
- David Cuadra
- David Manuell
- Deborah Groves
- Debra Hughes-Leitch
- Demelza Danaher
- Denise Lee
- Denise Reeves
- Dorota Wiatr
- Elena Hubbard
- Ellie Davis
- Ellie Thompson
- Emily Brown
- Emma Arundell
- Emma Davis
- Emma Finch
- Emma Furr
- Emma Morrison
- Emma Welsh
- Ernest Alishan
- Fay Brownsword
- Frances Akinde
- Gail Sinclair
- Gavin Wood
- Georgie O’Brien
- Ghafaria Khan
- Giedre Paludneviciute
- Gill Porter
- Ginny Evans-Pollard
- Gwen Sanderson
- Hannah Futter
- Harriet Crooks
- Heitor Amaral
- Helen Ball
- Iram Hussain
- Jacob Scordilis
- Jamie Brett
- Jan Hanson
- Jana Rodrigues Coelhova
- Jane Braithwaite
- Janet Harper
- Jayne Peach
- Jo Easton
- Joe Embley
- Johanna Bosch
- John Dunn
- Jonathan Middleton
- Joseph Fitton
- Joy Tyrer
- Judith Waddington
- Julia Rafferty
- Julie Sellars
- Kalee Jones
- Karen Mitchell
- Kate Fergusson
- Kathryn Evans
- Katie Barron
- Katrina Alloway
- Keith Gill
- Kemi Oladapo
- Kieran Atkins
- Kim Knowles
- Kirsty Chan
- Kit Anscombe
- Komal Chandiramani
- Lara Cooke
- Laura Barrow
- Laura Villa
- Leigh Spanner
- Lena Oun
- Letitia Calin
- Lilian Fitton
- Lilit Movsisyan
- Linda Malone
- Linn Davies
- Lisa-Marie Pledger
- Lissa O’Hare
- Liz Holdstock
- Liz Wragg
- Lon Teija
- Loren Mayala
- Lucy Shearman
- Lucy Wateridge
- Lucy Wilkinson
- Lynn Cox
- Marina Leite Brandão
- Marjory Webber
- Matt Canning
- Matt Wise
- Maya Woodley
- Michael Woodman
- Michelle Gosney
- Michelle Knight
- Michelle Nagler
- Miguel Santos
- Mimi Makina
- Molly Jones
- Naomi Piner
- Nathan Southward
- Nick Madejczyk
- Nicky Steele
- Nigel Rodenhurst
- Nikita Montlake
- Noel D’Alessandro
- Oliver Johnson
- Oren Ben-Dor
- Peter Rowley
- Philip Crozet
- Phoebe Pennington
- Piers Wilkinson
- Queenie Osborne
- Rachael Heaton
- Rachel Rickayzen
- Raphaele von Koettlitz
- Refiya Turner
- Richard Cobden
- Richard Gardner
- Ronisha Bhattacharyya
- Rosalind Brooks
- Roxanne Steel
- Ruth Delvin
- Sam Law
- Sam Whittaker
- Samantha Lubanzu
- Sana Khan
- Sandhya Ramautar
- Sara Wijekoon
- Sarah Bescoby
- Sarah Fairman
- Sarah Luck
- Sarah Moynihan
- Scarlett James
- Shannon MacDonald
- Sharon Omorojor
- Shen Patel
- Shersie Miller
- Sidrah Altaf
- Soledad Jewell
- Solène Anglaret
- Sue Adamson
- Tamara Armenti
- Temitope Onanuga
- Thomas Etheridge
- Tia Price
- Tim Hopker-Blunt
- Tracey Jones
- Vicky White
- Victoria Bennett
- Victoria Rowe
- Wendy Allonby
- Yahye Siyad
- Yehya Kamaluden
- Zoe Kelly