Profile photo of Angela, a Chinese female presenting person with long black hair gradient dyed into blonde, wearing a pearl necklace and smiling closed mouth at the camera

Angela Zhu

Digital Accessibility Apprentice

Pronouns: she/her

As one of the new Digital Accessibility apprentices joining D&A since September 2023, Angela is thrilled to embark on her career in the Training and Innovations team, working towards becoming an Inclusion Specialist.

With a diverse work history and having never finished college or gone to university, Angela has a wide range of lived experiences as an autistic person impacted by a Chinese cultural background.

She hopes to become a powerful advocate for inclusion and diversity in order to make the lives of disabled and neurodivergent individuals easier, doing her best to ensure that no one gets left behind in work, school or life.

When not working, Angela likes to play electric and acoustic guitar, draw, cook, read, write, ice-skate and walk around aimlessly for hours at a time. Her special interests are Japanese vocal synthesizers, Surrealism and cosmic horror.