Anne Betteridge

Specialist Mentor (MH)

Anne joined D&A in the lockdown summer of 2020 when remote working became the order of the day. Having been a mentor and study skills tutor for many years, Anne found the transition to full-time distance support strangely easy and comfortable. This is definitely helped by the presence of a retired husband and a needy Border Collie, both of whom look after Anne during regular breaks between Zoom, Teams or Skype sessions.

Anne has embraced the wide variety of neurodiverse conditions they have encountered, and understands very well the problems and barriers experienced by students. Anne wants to enable students to appreciate the strengths that they have, as well as provide strategies to counter their barriers. Very importantly, Anne wants our societies to be more aware of what talents people have to offer; they feel that a better acknowledgement of the abilities that neurodiversity encompasses could make a major difference to, not just the individual, but also to the wider environment.

Anne has two children living away from home – one in London and the other in Australia. Their garden in Cornwall is their sanctuary as well as the basis of their ‘to do’ list. Next is a polytunnel which is a step up from the small greenhouse of the moment. A Pink Floyd groupie, Anne is waiting for a tour anywhere by David Gilmour, please…