Photo of mixed race woman with dark curly hair and glasses who is smiling at the camera

Clare Ramsaran

Assistive Technology Trainer

Pronouns: She/her

Clare has been a long-term trainer/workshop facilitator – firstly in development education, human rights, LGBT+ history and anti-racism. After a stint working on the web team for Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, she moved into technology training.

A Londoner by birth, she relocated to San Francisco. Whilst completing an MA in Education (Instructional Technology) at San Francisco State University, she worked at the Disability Programs and Resources Center (yup, that’s how they spell ‘programmes’ and ‘centre’ over there…). She was an Accessible Technology Trainer, working on a one-to-one basis with students at the University. It’s one of the most rewarding and engaging jobs she’s ever had. She went on to another role with DPRC, assessing university websites for accessibility. Since then, she’s mainly worked as a database trainer (focusing on Salesforce CRM).

Now she is back in England, this time in Manchester. Techie by day, but a writer by night, Clare loves creative writing and has had her poems and short stories published. She is currently looking to publish her debut novel which is inspired by her diasporic family history.