Profile photo of Jenny, a white woman with red straight hair, who is smiling at the camera

Jenny Brooks

Specialist Mentor (MH)

Pronouns: She/her

Jenny has supported students with disabilities for more than 10 years. She works for D&A as a Specialist Mental Health Mentor for DSA students. Having lived in Oxford for more than twenty years and recently working as a Locum Disability Advisor for the University of Oxford Disability Advisory Service, Jenny has a great deal of very useful Oxford-specific knowledge.

Although Jenny initially did a maths degree and then trained as a maths teacher, her interest in mental health led her to do a psychology conversion degree and an MSc in Health Psychology. Jenny received invaluable disability support during her master’s degree, so she understands just how crucial good student support can be.

Jenny is passionate about helping students to have the best possible chance to reach their potential and she has supported students whilst working for the Oxfordshire Hospital School and Buckinghamshire Schools Anti-Bullying Team, and volunteering for Mental Health Matters (now Restore) and SENDIASS.

In her spare time, Jenny enjoys walking her dog, printmaking, listening to well-being podcasts and watching a good ‘Scandi-noir’ show on TV.