Julie Sellars

Specialist Mentor (MH), Study Skills Tutor (SpLD), and Workplace Strategy Coach

Julie accidentally (and happily!) discovered a skill for working with metal and turned her hand to create jewellery, water features and lighting. She soon realised that some of her best ideas came not from trying to think what a good design could be, but by letting the material guide her to a finished piece. Some of Julie’s most successful pieces were “happy accidents” – mistakes.

Julie ran a successful business in Brighton for 10 years, then after teacher training was inspired to turn the free flow approach she used in her art, to understanding and hearing people’s needs, in an educational setting, and guiding them through that. Otherwise, Julie can be found skiing with her bonkers kids or perhaps willow-weaving a living chair, ready to ponder the next big step.

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Wordflex is a beautiful way to find the perfect word for your writing. It presents information about a word in a mind map - showing the word's different meanings, its synonyms, and even its origin!
