Profile photo of Kit, a white person with multicoloured hair. They are hearing a black jacket and smiling at the camera.

Kit Anscombe

Assistive Technology Trainer

Pronouns: they/them

Kit joined D&A in 2023, after completing their Psychology BSc. As a queer, neurodiverse person, Kit values the importance of promoting inclusivity, accessibility, and the freedom to express yourself. Following their keen interest in mental health, Kit sought out a position which reflects similar values. This led them to their current role, as an Assistive Technology trainer.

Having benefited massively from using assistive technology throughout their studies, Kit strives to support other students in accessing the full benefits of this technology. They appreciate the value of individually-tailored guidance. Through their role in D&A, Kit hopes to support fellow students in overcoming any academic barriers, making education as accessible and enjoyable as possible, whilst promoting the importance of taking care of your mental health.

Whilst studying for their degree in Psychology, Kit spent their placement year working on NHS research. They hope to continue working on similar research in the future, working with service users to develop mental health interventions, and promoting intersectionality and inclusivity across healthcare services. Outside this, you might find Kit crocheting little stuffed
animals, listening to music, or attending a concert. Kit is greatly passionate about music; they’d love to hear about your favourite artists!