Peter Rowley

Study Skills Tutor (SpLD)

Prior to starting work as a teacher, Peter had a variety of different jobs, ranging from farming to screen printing, including time as a civil servant and as a trainee supermarket manager.  In 2001, Peter started volunteering in a literacy class at a local community college and from there went on to train as a teacher.  They haven’t been tempted to try anything else since!

As part of their professional development, Peter decided to take a course focusing on dyslexia.  This was when they finally discovered that they had a learning difference themselves.  Peter’s past educational experiences and the difficulties had during they first degree course, suddenly started to make sense!

Peter is very happy to be a part of Diversity and Ability as an SpLD Study Skills Tutor.  They are keen to share their experience and understanding and to enable students to discover effective ways of learning, to understand and use their learning differences to help with their studies, and most importantly to enjoy their university experience.

In their free time, when they’re not spending time with their partner and Ziggy the cat, Peter likes to ride their motorcycle, visit their daughter at university, cook, read, go to the theatre and sometimes just do nothing!