Profile photo of Rachael: A white woman with brown straight hair who is smiling at the camera

Rachael Heaton

Specialist Mentor (MH)

Pronouns: she/her

As well as being part of the D&A team, Rachael also works as a freelance Dramatherapist with adults and adolescents with autism, learning differences, and mental health challenges.  She is passionate about people having access to a range of different therapeutic tools and techniques that support their personal development and believes that being part of a group can have huge benefits for the individual.

Rachael has been on her own personal journey of dealing with anxiety and PTSD. As a result, she is highly committed to helping individuals manage and reduce their own symptoms and supporting others to take an active role in promoting their own general well-being.

Homeschooling her 13 year old daughter is also high on her list of priorities as well as expressing herself as a novice singer song writer and caring for her two rabbits, two cats, and one guinea pig.