Profile photo of Sidrah, a south-asian woman with black straight hair, who is smiling at the camera.

Sidrah Altaf

Specialist Mentor (MH)

Sidrah (or Sid) has been working in the mental health field for 8 years, qualified in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy in her mid-twenties and is now training to become a Clinical Psychologist.

Her motivations for mentoring come from her own struggles navigating her mental health, neurodiversity and university life, and the tremendous impact seeking resources and supports provided in her own journey. She is motivated and has a passion for helping students have an enriching university experience. Having completed an undergraduate degree, a masters and now a doctorate – Sidrah understands the impact of diversity and disability on a student’s university experience and it’s not just about addressing barriers in achieving academic goals but also addressing barriers to having an overall ‘university life’ experience – whatever that might look like for an individual student.

When Sidrah’s not studying or working, she loves a healthy bit of escapism through watching sci-fi/fantasy and superhero movies. She also loves hiking and forests, and road trips (mainly for the karaoke even though she can’t sing). Sidrah strongly believes disability and diversity should never be barriers, and accessibility is key to helping students manage their health and wellbeing, and reach their full potential.