Testimonial: Angel Anne-lise Charlot Colomès, Global Rainbow Foundation

Angel Anne-lise Charlot Colomès,  Global Rainbow Foundation

Educational Psychologist

“The training was really enriching and helpful, especially the approach used during the workshop. It was different and new for people there. All of the participants were really impressed

“We had three visually impaired people there who enjoyed attending a workshop for the first time, as they could interact by using mentee.com. People could interact by asking questions on their screens. They really enjoyed that as they didn’t have to just rely on using their ears.

“People were asked about their lived experiences as carers and people with disabilities. There was a head of school who was blind and shared his whole life story which was really touching. Having experience of this was really new for us all, as people here don’t usually share their own experiences.

“The training practitioners are more skilled now and can use what they’ve learnt in their daily practice. I work with visually impaired people and I think this will help me to work at a greater depth now. The D&A team rephrased certain things and used different language in the needs assessment which made it clearer for people to understand. This has given me the knowledge and a much deeper understanding of how I will carry out future needs assessments.

“This was also the first time we had training for inclusiveness and accessibility, which involved people with disabilities as usually, the training is just for employers. The focus on technology and relating that to technology for people with disabilities is completely new in Mauritius.

“All of the participant feedback says they would like more training with D&A, especially as we don’t have experts in Mauritius. Hopefully, we will be able to see D&A again and do more projects with them!”

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