Testimonial: Helen Young, University of Oxford

Helen Young, University of Oxford

Deputy Head of Disability Advisory Service

The Disability Advisory Service at the University of Oxford has, for a number of years, chosen to use Diversity and Ability (D&A) as one of our assistive technology (AT) training providers for disabled students accessing support and software through the Disability Advisory Service.

A particular strength of D&A’s support provision is the embedded end-user led design and delivery of training by those who have lived experience of disability and of accessing support as a student themselves, which can be of great reassurance and support to students when accessing the AT training.

D&A place a strong emphasis on each student’s individual learning strengths, styles and requirements, with a focus on quality and usefulness of the training for each student. Feedback from students has been very positive. For these reasons, the Disability Advisory Service often approaches D&A to provide AT training for students at the University of Oxford, in the knowledge they will promptly, reliably and effectively tailor support to each student’s requirements.

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