
"A particular strength of D&A’s support provision is the embedded end-user led design and delivery of training by those who have lived experience of disability and of accessing support as a student themselves, which can be of great reassurance and support to students when accessing the AT training."

- Helen Young, University of Oxford

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Helen Young, University of Oxford

"D&A carefully advised us on a selection of software and apps to be networked, based on the needs of our students and staff, the courses we offer and the College environment. We have now got a fantastic range of tools and resources in place that staff and students can use to support all aspects of their learning or teaching."

- Hannah Bannister, Imperial College London

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Hannah Bannister, Imperial College London

"D&A’s AT Training sessions and NMH tutorials use a student-centred, personalised holistic approach that ensures the learner is able to use their equipment or employ a strategy in a way that transforms their studies. The Imperial College Disability Advisory Service has chosen to work with D&A due to their passion for social change and educational innovation in the form of enabling technologies and strategies."

- David Mooney, Imperial College London

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David Mooney, Imperial College London

"D&A has always had a good reputation and we have worked with them over many years. They do things differently. They are more personable and creative than other organisations and they have a thorough understanding of neurodiversity... We have always received quality support, that is reliable..."

- Jonathan Thompson, London South Bank University

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Jonathan Thompson, London South Bank University

"As D&A has a team of trainers who are supporting students with assistive technology on a daily basis and are end-users of the technology themselves, we have found that students who have worked with D&A trainers have taken up and engaged more with their technology."

- Alice Speller, Goldsmiths University of London

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Alice Speller, Goldsmiths University of London

"D&A's insight into Disablement and (neuro)diversity was critical in highlighting the importance of the Inclusive Technologies Project at Imperial College London, drawing the conversation away from disability, to difference. It was a really important shift we needed to make to ensure the inclusion of all our staff and students."

- Mike Horner, Imperial College London

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Mike Horner, Imperial College London

“The training was really enriching and helpful, especially the approach used during the workshop. It was different and new for people there. All of the participants were really impressed... The training practitioners are more skilled now and can use what they’ve learnt in their daily practice."

- Angel Anne-lise Charlot Colomès, Global Rainbow Foundation

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Angel Anne-lise Charlot Colomès,  Global Rainbow Foundation

“Adam at D&A was an inspirational speaker that developed an immediate rapport with the audience. He was able to inclusively pitch the speech to reach and involve the wide background of attendees. Adam raised some very valid points whilst providing plenty of food for thought..."

- Helen Bigham, Waltham Forest Dyslexia Association

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Helen Bigham, Waltham Forest Dyslexia Association

“I am fairly useless with computers and normally take ages to pick up new things related to technology but after each session, I felt confident about what I had been taught and excited that there were easier ways of doing things I had to develop my own long, complicated methods for in the past. I am so glad I chose to use D&A over my recommended AT trainers and wouldn’t hesitate to suggest Tim to friends and colleagues.”

- Employee receiving Assistive Technology support

“I was pleasantly surprised to discover that I didn’t have to explain my difficulties in order for the mentors to understand my viewpoint as they came with a wealth of personal experience to overcoming dyslexia. What makes them experts in their field is the fact that they also have dyslexia and are living proof of how to successfully overcome the barriers we face.”

- Ebony Phipps Thomas, Undergraduate, Goldsmith University

“Thank you very much D&A team for your vivacious session which kept our staff gasping for more. Your team with their infectious enthusiasm and great teaching strategies even managed to excite our most ICT – resistant members of staff who were very vocal in how much they had enjoyed and benefited from the session. The benefits are already apparent and we cannot thank you enough.”

- Elisabeth Seifert, Newham College, London

Elisabeth Seifert, Newham College, London

“Today was just my first session but I was absolutely amazed at how the trainer immediately pinpointed my learning difficulties and the areas I struggled with and how he used the equipment provided to aid these problems. All this was done without me uttering more than a few words. I am elated that someone finally understands my struggles. My confidence has soared and I am certain that I will now excel with my course.”

- Emine Mercan, Undergraduate, London South Bank University