
ZoteroBib is created by the team behind Zotero, and believe it or not, it’s even easier to use. Compiling a bibliography literally couldn’t be any more straightforward!

ZoteroBib is a web-based tool, that allows you to copy across your source identifiers (eg. URL, ISBN, DOI, PMID, arXiv or title), and it then automatically spits out a citation in the referencing style of your choice (you can choose from 10,000+ styles!). If the automatic import function doesn’t find what you’re looking for, there’s always the option to add it manually.

You can add as many citations as you like, and when you’re done, you can export your bibliography in a range of formats, or simply copy it to your clipboard ready to paste into a document. If you spot an item that’s amiss you can always go back in and edit the fields manually by clicking on a bibliography entry.

If you want to revisit the bibliography you’ve created at a later date, on another device or share it with someone else, you can generate a link that will take you to the latest version. If you’re working on the same device, ZoteroBib autosaves to your browser’s local storage, so you can close and reopen the page at any time to continue editing or export your bibliography later on when you’re ready.

…and all this without having to create an account or download anything!