Workshops and Training Programmes

Embed authentic inclusion in your workplace with interactive training workshops covering a broad range of diversity and inclusion topics.

Participants will increase their knowledge, gain confidence, and develop practical skills.

A group of people standing or sitting in front of a presentation board that reads: Disability confidence for you and your team. Everyone is looking at the camera and smiling.
Two people standing in front of the Diversity and Ability banner, talking to each other animatedlty.

Our development programs are not just about meeting diversity and disability goals, but about leveraging these aspects to drive tangible positive outcomes. By honing in on particular areas of disability or diversity, our programs offer a unique advantage.

They enable senior leaders and line managers to acquire the necessary skills and insights to effectively manage diverse teams, creating an atmosphere of respect and understanding. This ultimately enhances teamwork, boosts productivity, and reduces conflicts, all of which contribute to a healthier work environment.

Our Core Areas

A circle split into four equally sized segments in varying shades of blue and purple. Each segment contains text, which reads, from the top right and working clockwise: disability inclusion; accessible communications, technology and support; neurodiversity; equity, diversity and inclusion.



Our core training programmes cover four main areas, all of which are completely tailored to meet your organisation’s needs and take into account the sector or industry in which you work.

We deliver development programmes for specific audiences, such as senior leaders and line managers, or the wider workforce, and can be focused on specific areas of disability, diversity and lived experience.


Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Through celebrating diversity and embracing an approach of cultural humility workplaces can foster organisation-wide practice that supports intersectional diversity.

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion is not just the right thing to do – there’s a business case to do so. Read more on our blog.


Neurodiversity Inclusion Training

D&A bring lived experience of diversity, disability, neurodiversity and mental health to our training – an intersectional and integrative approach. This is demonstrated by posts like Jasper’s article on his lived experience of being neurodiverse and Deaf and our upcoming training course Neurodiversity: Race and Realities.


Disability Inclusion Training

Training that improves knowledge, confidence and understanding of disabilities and invisible differences in the workplace. With simple changes, barriers can be removed or reduced to allow each individual’s strengths to shine through. We follow a celebratory model of disability, adhering to and surpassing the social model.


Accessible communications, technology and support

Accessibility must go beyond compliance – the Equality Act 2010 and the UNCRPD state the need to anticipate different needs ahead of a request being made – your use of assistive technology, your recruitment & adjustments processes and your website and communications can go a great way to building an anticipatory inclusive environment.


An infographic showing three curved, intervwoven segments. They each contain text and an illustrative graphic. Starting at the top and working clockwise, the text reads: Expertise, Intersectionality, Lived Experience. In the centre of the graphic is the Diversity and Ability logo.


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