Diversity and Ability 2022 Wrapped

20th December 2022 by Ellie Thompson

“I want to take stock and celebrate the participation of D&A in the lives of so many. I feel hopeful and joyful for a future where more people feel able to share their realities with us, and benefit from the work and inclusivity that we all put forth into the world. It is this that lives at the very heart of our brilliance – a brilliance that defines the world we’re building.” – Atif, CEO of Diversity and Ability

2022 has been a huge year for D&A, our team, and our community. As we reach the end of 2022, it’s time to practice what we preach and celebrate the difference we’ve seen as our community and work has grown from strength to strength!

A diverse group of D&A team members on stage at the conference.

2022 in numbers

13 new members of the D&A staff team!

48 new freelance associates in our community (including our brilliant Inclusion Consultants and wonderful one-to-one Support Providers)

34, 238 hours of one-to-one support delivered to disabled and neurodiverse people in education and the workplace

90 clients partnered with across our inclusive education and workplace teams

499 workshops, webinars and training sessions delivered, fostering inclusive practice in education and employment

4 new languages of training delivery! Our multi-linguistic team now provide workshops in Spanish, French, Arabic & Lithuanian!

7 countries partnered with to deliver our ‘Introduction to Disability Needs Assessments and Assistive Technologies’ course

212 attendees at D&A Conference 2022: What Inclusion Looks Like

In the training room at the D&A Conference, Freya, a white person with black and blue hair, is talking animatedly. They stand in front of a screen displaying a presentation slide titled Universal Design for Learning

D&A 2022 according to you!

Your feedback from our first-ever Conference

“Having attended the conference, what inclusion looks like to me is sitting in a room full of other crips, feeling extremely at home, kindness, removal of assumptions and hierarchies.”

“I had such an amazing time at the conference. I felt proud to be a disabled person for the first time in my life.”

“I said I was hoping to see collaboration, and it was there in bucketloads. I felt so uplifted to see so many people who were looking to work together to create change and opportunities. It was clear how much went into the event and we enjoyed every minute.”

Your feedback from our workplace training and consultancy

“Working with D&A has been nothing less than excellent. Their knowledge, expertise, professionalism, and ability to provide flexible and adaptable solutions has been second to none. Our experience with every member of the D&A team has been a positive one. They are a friendly and approachable team where nothing is ever too much and are always willing to find solutions and open to suggestions. I look forward to continuing our journey with D&A and thank them for their continued support and effort.”

  • Venetia Petter, Customer Insight, Strategy & Experience, Transport for London

“I must say thanks to D&A for the disability inclusive communications training they ran for [Brighton & Hove City] Council recently; it was one of the best courses I’ve ever attended and had a big personal impact on me.”

  • Chris Brown, EDI Officer (Disability), Brighton & Hove City Council

“The strategies and wisdom that [my Workplace Strategy Coach ] shared during our sessions far exceeded my expectations and have already changed my working life from unmanageable to enjoyable. Thanks to his help and support I am up to date with my work and have been able to plan ahead. My raging imposter syndrome has quietened to a whisper now. I feel more freedom to share my experience and way of perceiving the world as a valuable thing.”

  • Rachel,  Workplace Strategy Coaching recipient, Nottingham Trent University

Your feedback from our Inclusive Campus workshops and support

“As a new institution, D&A’s experience was brilliant to tap into, and their insight has genuinely been invaluable. They listened to our needs, created a bespoke plan and delivered a series of realistic assistive technology recommendations. They embody accessibility, and we’ve been able to learn so much from them, improving the inclusivity of our own communications in the process.”

  • Rachel Nowicki, Disability Support Advisor, Dyson Institute of Engineering and Technology

“The bespoke sessions we received on Disability Justice left the audiences enlighted, empowered and wanting to put what they have learned into action. We’ll continue to work with D&A, learning from them, being supported by them, and providing first-rate support.”

  • Ciaran Clark, Sussex University and College Union

“My supporter made me feel like I wasn’t alone. The act of speaking to them on a weekly basis helped me to somewhat get on top of my work and utilise these strategies wherever possible. I managed to establish which study techniques work for me, some of which were identified by myself.”

  • Samina, Study Skills Tutoring recipient, St George’s University of London

A group of D&A employees sat facing left and applauding and smiling.

What’s coming in 2023?

We’ve already got exciting plans in the works for next year (did someone say D&A Conference 2023?!). Here’s a few teasers as to what 2023 will bring for Diversity and Ability…

  • The launch of new innovations, particularly addressing the intersection between disability and other marginalised experiences
  • A Global Inclusion Kitemark that equips you with the tools, insight and guidance you need to level up your equity, diversity and inclusion
  • D&A’s AXS Passport: a digital tool that enables everyone to share their accessibility and inclusion requirements

With much more to come, make sure to sign up to our newsletter so you don’t miss the updates!

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